Accounting 202
The required text is “Managerial Accounting with MyAccountingLab” by Braun & Tietz, 5th edition, Pearson Publishing. Assignments are done in MyAccountingLab (which is required) and in Canvas. It is recommended you purchase the text and MyAccountinglab Access bundle from the college bookstore. The College negotiates some very favorable package prices with Pearson publishing. These packages include the Access code needed for the on-line homework management system (MyAccountingLab). It is not recommended that student’s purchase from other sources such as Amazon due to problems with Access Codes. Students may buy the Ebook and MyAccountingLab access directly from Pearson; however, you must wait until the first day of class for registration instructions. Syllabus & Course Calendar will be available on Canvas when the course opens.
This course examines how managers use accounting information in decision-making, planning, directing operations, and controlling. It focuses on cost terms and concepts, cost behavior, cost structure, and cost-volume-profit analysis. Topics include profit planning, standard costs, operations and capital budgeting, cost control, and accounting for costs in manufacturing organizations. CSU/UC Transferable. 4 units.
Acct 202 is a rigorous course which requires in depth study and homework outside of class. The amount of time necessary will be dependent on the skill level of each individual student.
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